
Margriet van Eikema Hommes Piet Bakker Katrien Keune Tatjana van Run Ige Verslype

Dr. Margriet van Eikema Hommes
(project leader)

Art historian and scholar of technical art history

Margriet van Eikema Hommes studied Art History at the University of Amsterdam and received her PhD with honors in 2002 under the supervision of Prof. Ernst van de Wetering. Her PhD dissertation project formed part of the NWO research program Molecular Aspects of Ageing of Painted Art (MOLART) and appeared as a commercial edition entitled Changing Pictures: discoloration in 15th – 17th century oil paintings. From 2002 until 2004 she was a postdoctoral fellow in an interdisciplinary research project on the painted decorations in the Oranjezaal, Huis ten Bosch (NWO – De Mayerne Program).
Since 2005 she works as a senior researcher with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE), where she conducts and coordinates material-technical research into predominantly seventeenth century paintings. She received an NWO Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Veni grant for her research project Visual concepts and pictorial solutions: the interrelation between decorative function, style and technique in 17th century Netherlands painting ensembles, housed by the University of Amsterdam. And in 2010 she received the NWO Innovational Research Incentives Scheme Vidi grant for the current project From Isolation to Coherence. This project, led by Van Eikema Hommes, is housed by the Delft Univeristy of Techology at the section Materials in Art and Archeology(department of Material Sciences), where Van Eikema Hommes has been an Associate Professor since May 2011.

Dr. Piet Bakker

Archival researcher and art historian

Piet Bakker studied Cultural History with an art historical emphasis at the University of Amsterdam. In 2003 he was commissioned by the Fries Museum in Leeuwarden to conduct archival research into the art market of Friesland. This also became the focus of his PhD dissertation, concluded in 2008 under the guidance of Prof. Eric Jan Sluijter at the University of Amsterdam. The same year he started work for the Leiden Gallery, New York, for which he conducted (archival) research into the painters and art market of Leiden during the seventeenth century. Since March 2012 Bakker has been involved in the project From Isolation to Coherence. In addition to archival research he conducts in support of the various objects and cases under study in the project, Bakker is responsible for his own case study, which focuses on the manner in which decorative painting of the interior developed into an autonomous discipline over the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: “From De Lairesse to Simis. Decorative painting in the Republic: a quantitative approach” (Van De Lairesse tot Simis. Decoratieve schilderkunst in de Republiek: een kwantitatieve benadering).

Dr. Katrien Keune

Conservation scientist

Katrien Keune studied Chemistry at the University of Amsterdam, where she received her PhD in 2005 under the guidance of Prof. Jaap Boon, associated with the FOM-Institute AMOLF. Keune’s PhD dissertation, entitled Binding medium, pigments and metal soaps characterized and localized in paint cross-sections, formed part of the NWO De Mayerne Program. In 2006-2007 academic year she was a postdoctoral fellow (NWO talent grant) with the scientific department of the National Gallery, London. From 2008 to 2011 Keune worked as a researcher with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, in addition to performing material-technical research on paintings for various museums and conservators. She also served as a guest lecturer in both the Curating and Preservation program at the Reinwardt Academy and the Conservation and Restoration program at the University of Amsterdam. Since September 2012 Katrien is involved in the NWO research project Science4arts Paint Alteration in Time (2012-2016, University of Amsterdam) both as the project leader and as a researcher. Her specialty is in the area of degradation phenomena observed in oil paints that are related to interactions with pigment bindings. In the Vidi project Keune is predominantly involved in chemical analytical research into the aging processes of painted chambers.

MA Tatjana van Run

Art historian

Tatjana van Run received her MA in Art History of the Early Modern Period from the University of Amsterdam in December 2009 and the Research MA Art Studies in April 2012. During an internship with conservator Caroline van der Elst and the Museum Catharijneconvent, Utrecht, she studied altar paintings by Jan van Scorel depicting the Passion of Christ. As a graduate intern with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands she contributed to the project “The use of materials and painting techniques of Rembrandt’s pupils”. Her research into the ship portraits of country house Trompenburg in ‘s Graveland resulted in an article that was published in Oud Holland (2013, vol. 126-1). As of March 2012 Van Run is working on her PhD dissertation within the project From Isolation to Coherence, under the working title “’ Het schilderen der Zolderwerken’: The production of residential ceiling paintings in Amsterdam during the late Golden Age” (‘Het schilderen der Zolderwerken’: De Amsterdamse productie van plafondschilderingen in woonhuizen tijdens de late Gouden Eeuw).

Drs. Ige Verslype

Paintings conservator and art historian

Ige Verslype studied Art History at Utrecht University and received her Conservation degree (with an Old Master emphasis) from the Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg. She interned with the Stichting Kollektief Resauratie-atelier Amsterdam and the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam. Upon graduation in 2003 she completed a post graduate internship at the Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies, which forms part of Harvard University Art Museums, in Cambridge MA. Ige has worked as a paintings conservator at the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam since September 2004. As of January 2013 Verslype works on her PhD dissertation within the project From Isolation to Coherence, under the working title “Technical and stylistic developments in the production of seventeenth- en eighteenth-century painted wall hangings” (Technische en stilistische ontwikkelingen binnen de zeventiende- en achttiende-eeuwse behangselschilderkunst).

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